Partnership Campaigns

Netflix, Stranger Things

Developed a brand partnership campaign turning Tumblr into the Upside Down for the premiere of Stranger Things season four part two, including a custom curated dashboard tab featuring community posts about the series.

Netflix, Geeked Week

Partnered with Netflix for a fan creation campaign hosted on Tumblr, followed by red carpet coverage at the Geeked Week live event. 

Warner Brothers, Barbie

Collaborated with Warner Brothers to launch an official Tumblr account for the Barbie movie.

Hulu, Tell Me Lies

Developed and pitched a custom brand partnership that took Tumblr back in time to 2007 for the Tell Me Lies series premiere.

The campaign featured a one day platform update that reverted the dashboard back to the 2007 experience, and a curated home page tab consisting of era relevant community content.